Business Info
Massive collection of the latest tech and affordable gadgets online. FREE Shipping and super fast delivery!It all started with an invention! We created a stand up desk with no screws, nut or bolts… We then realised that generally office workers sit all day and are not only destroying their health they are also not having much fun. We decided to start researching the best gizmos and gadgets to bring fun back into the workspace.What can we say… We’re geeks and we love it. Weâ₠¬â„¢re based in Queensland and love playing with the latest tech and bringing it to everyday Australians.   Read More

Level 2, Unit 2 Musgrave Street, Coolangatta, QLD, AUSTRALIA, 2/88 Musgrave Street, Coolangatta, 4225., Coolangatta , Queensland, 4225, Australia
Working Hours
Mon: 09:00 am - 09:00 pm