Business Info
There are many reasons why LGSF Construction is a better alternative. The company has been around for a long time and they have an excellent reputation for being able to deliver quality projects on time without sacrificing quality or safety. The Indian construction industry is undergoing a period of great change. Both customers and builders are demanding faster, more efficient building materials and technology. A growing number of builders are turning to Light Gauge Steel Frame (LGSF) construct ion technology for its ecological and structural benefits. Due to these advantages, LGSF is being used by many builders as a way to speed up the time it takes them to build long-lasting homes. Unlike traditional stick-built structures, which are constructed from wood and require a lot of time to assemble, LGSF homes can be built in as little as half the time it takes   Read More

Sadar Mandi Himachal Pradesh, MANDI , Himachal Pradesh, 175001, India
Working Hours
Mon Closed