Business Info
Almond Solutions is an engine that works in a B2B environment to increase channel engagement and distribution-led revenue for brands and organizations. It is an easy way to go to the last mile of digitalization. It offers various B2B Marketing tools, such as Loyalty platforms, rewards program management services, Virtual and Hybrid event management, product sampling, product learning and many more. At Almond, we care about channel partners and their needs. Because we have also engaged chann el partners at the last mile, we know their pain points and how to resolve them. We have doubled the channel partners and tripled the CAGR for our partners. We can do all this because we believe in “Happier Channel Partners. Heathier Bottom Line.”   Read More

1214, Tower A, Spaze ITech Park, Sec 49,, Gurgaon , Haryana, 0000, India
Working Hours
Mon: 10:00 am - 07:00 pm