Business Info
Our brewery and brewpub concept began to take shape many years back as home brewers in the late 1980’s. Love of the brewing process, and the industry, continued through the years even as other life events and business ventures took center stage. A series of experiments back then, which allowed father and son to spend time together, have transformed to an all consuming venture which necessitates a lot of time together. The other transformation is that the greater knowledge of brewing now belongs to the son, who is a professional brewer with credentials from the University of California Davis. In April of 2013, a decision to formalize our roughly outlined business plan and to pursue a suitable location was made. Our focus was to repurpose a factory building which had at one time been representative of American innovation and manufacturing might. Our search took us through three states, until in our backyard of Poughkeepsie, NY, we came upon the gem we had been looking for. A structure built like a fortress, dating back to somewhere around 1882, and over the years housing meat packing, paper and box storage, and even a garment factory. We had a vision for the interior of 40 Cottage Street, which selective demolition, restoration, rebuilding, and the skill of many trades, are making a reality. We hope that you agree that we have created a “Blue Collar†atmosphere. This is meant to be a gathering place free of pretention, where American craft products can be enjoyed.   Read More

40 Cottage St, Poughkeepsie , New York, 12601, United States
Working Hours
Sun: 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm