Business Info
A family-owned and operated business, Brancier Jewellers was founded in Toronto in 1930. The store expanded to its present location in the Milton Mall in 1982. Their philosophy to success was simple - work hard and treat people exactly how you would like to be treated. Thus, they transformed an ordinary every day type of approach to doing business into a friendship, which would provide the model for personal attention and professional expertise that has become our hallmark. Today, Brancier Jewe ller-Gemologist is operated by a member of the third generation, Mark Brancier, a Graduate Gemologist, and his wife, Nadira, a Master Goldsmith, alongside their son, Alex, a Master Goldsmith and designer as well as a Graduate Gemologist from the renowned Gemological Institute of America (GIA).   Read More

1015 Bronte St S, Milton , Ontario, L9T 8X3, Canada
Working Hours
Wed: 11:00 am - 08:00 pm