Business Info
You break it, you buy it. This simple responsibility principle, which most of us are familiar with, applies in China shops and in civil courts. When people negligently break items in China shops, they must pay compensation. Likewise, when a person negligently injures another person, that tortfeasor (negligent actor) must pay compensation. The compensation in a personal injury case is higher because a person is worth much more than a coffee mug. This work includes evidence collection and legal an alysis. Evidence in a personal injury claim includes witness statements, medical bills, and the police accident report. Electronic evidence, such as security video footage, is usually important as well. Legal analysis isn’t easy, as the law is constantly changing. But we keep abreast of these changes.   Read More

240 N. Washington Blvd., Suite 530, sarasota , Florida, 34236, United States
Working Hours
Mon: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm