Budget Pet Products Reviews - Molendinar
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Business Info

At Budget Pet Products we offer a variety of products to make life with your pet better! Browse our online store to find everything you need for a happy, healthy pet! We are Australian Owned family-run business comprised of proud pet owners and our vision is to bring pet products to the public at affordable prices. We believe if we can sell and deliver pet products to the public at an affordable price, more people will provide their pets with the care they deserve.

Budget Pet Products
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1/8 Precision Dr, Molendinar , Queensland, 4214, Australia

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1 Reviews

Robert Purdy

Robert Purdy

5 years ago

Very poor service took money for order and would not send it. Budget pet clearly made a price mistake or something and did not want to honour the order and wanted personal info about me to send a order. This is a very dodgy practice. THEY DONT HAVE A PHONE NUMBER WHY BEWARE OF THIS DODGY COMPANY no one should ask for personal details just for a food order for your animals.. Asking about a one off account verification.. What Next was they said the credit card was fraudulent.. But they took my money first...Are they a bank or a pet supply company I read the condition and there is nothing to say they need personal information to create a account.. DODGY I DO NOT RECOMMEND


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