Business Info
La Trobe University and Didasko are passionate about making a difference to you. Fully audited and compliant with government requirements, we are fully focused on delivering the best possible online learning experience. You can even start your career while you complete your Bachelor of Applied Business Degree! Our Career Support Centre provides online job-seeking resources and personal career coaching. This means that you could have a new war-chest of job application and interview skills t o draw on and a newly refined resume to complement your Business qualification. This is all part of our service to help you get your career started. Supporting you will be our Student Engagement Team and Academic staff. They are all committed to your successful employment outcome and work in our Melbourne CBD office.   Read More

Level 7, 607 St Kilda Road,, Melbourne , Victoria, 3004, Australia
Working Hours
Mon: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm