Business Info
Flour and Stone is a collaboration of baked goodness I learned in houses such as Le Gavroche, MG Garage, Bourke Street Bakery and The Ivy in London. In turn, all of these places have shaped the way we cook, contributing technique, finesse and love to our baking. We opened in November 2011 with an old fashioned vanilla cake and some hand iced gingerbread cookies on the counter. Since then our repertoire has evolved into a range of classic inspired pastries baked in a rustic way. Nostalgic lemon drizzle cakes, a fine apple tart straight off a French baking sheet and a Lamington that makes some go weak at the knees.   Read More

53 Riley St, Woolloomooloo, Sydney , New South Wales, 2011, Australia
Working Hours
Wed: 07:00 am - 04:00 pm