Business Info
Greenery Imports are one of the biggest importers of Artificial plants in Australia. Greenery Imports are one of the very few granted a licensed to import trees using natural timber or natural bamboo trunks. Most of Greenery Imports trees are designed by Greenery Imports so Top Quality is the only option! We are an Established Family Owned & Operated Business, offering over 35 years of Experience and Advice. You can be 100% assured that every picture you see on our website is the real prod uct in which you will receive. Scroll through pictures in the gallery link and see some of our work/products that we have produced and created out in the field throughout Australia. After starting the company with a focus on live plants and trees, we discovered that many of our customers found them hard to maintain and, in some cases, too costly. Sensing an opportunity to solve these issues for our clients, we started our Artificial plants and trees division.   Read More

11/2187 Castlereagh Road, Penrith , New South Wales, 2750, Australia
Working Hours
Tue: 10:00 am - 04:00 pm