Business Info
Ivanhoe Rep is an accredited Police Station Representative, solely qualified to provide police station representation and Criminal Defence Lawyer in Bristol & Bath. Ivanhoe Rep gives criminal defence advice, representation, and support to those attending voluntary interview at a police station, as well as those who have been arrested and detained in police custody, awaiting police interview. Criminal defence representation is given across Bristol and Bath, Avon and Somerset, and the surrounding areas and counties. Ivanhoe Rep is an accredited Police Station Representative, solely qualified to provide police station representation and Criminal Defence Lawyer in Bristol & Bath. Ivanhoe Rep is an accredited Police Station Representative, solely qualified to provide police station representation and Criminal Defence Lawyer in Bristol & Bath.   Read More

Ground Floor, Aztec West, 2530 Aztec W,, Almondsbury , Gloucestershire, BS32 4AW, United Kingdom
Working Hours
Wed: 10:00 am - 08:00 pm