Business Info
Judy and her team of tailors are trained to provide the best services available anywhere. First opening in 1999 in the tiny suite across the plaza, she expanded to a larger and then a third larger suite at her current location – now Judy’s Bridal and Tux. After more than 18 years and tens of thousands of alterations she has expanded to now offer wedding gown, formal wear and men’s suit sales, and an expanded tuxedo rental service – all of that without sacrificing her premier alterations service. Judy graduated Master Tailor from Samson Technical Institute in The Philippines in 1967. She began tailoring in her home in Bremerton in 1979, opened a tailor shop in Silverdale, and worked at Designs Unlimited in Bremerton before starting Judy’s Sewing. Judy is widely known and is the go-to tailor in Kitsap County and beyond. Judy appreciates her thousands of customers for trusting her skill-craft and expert fashion advice. She loves to provide personalized service to make you look your very best. She also loves the military, sewing on countless uniform patches and serving them up with a quick turn around and a smile.   Read More
32 NE Silver Pine Dr, #208, Bremerton , Washington, 98311, United States
Working Hours
Wed: 11:00 am - 05:00 pm