Business Info
Looking for General Surgeon in Sangamner? Dr. Saurabh Kate is one of the best Laparoscopic, Endoscopic, Gastro-Intestinal & General Surgeon in Sangamner and has experience of 4 years in these fields. Currently, he is working as a Head and Consultant of Laparoscopic Surgeon, Endoscopist & General surgeon at Dr. Kate Hospital Sangamner. He has expertise in various surgery such as Appendix surgery, Stich Less Hernia Repair, Bariatric Surgery, Piles, Fissure, and Fistula treatment, Pediatric Surgery , and Breast Lump Surgery. He has done many advanced laparoscopic surgeries like Laparoscopic Appendectomy, Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, diagnostic laparoscopies, Laparoscopic Mesenteric lymph node biopsy. best endoscop Read More

Near Nehru Garden, Maliwada, Sangamner,, Sangamner, Maharashtra, India , Maharashtra, 422605, India
Working Hours
Tue: 24 Hrs -