Business Info
Welcome to Lower Extremity Review or LER as we call it. This long awaited magazine fills the lower extremity information gap for practitioners in the fields of Podiatry, Physical Therapy, O&P Pedorthics, and Orthopedics. With over 20 years experience in multi-disciplinary editorial development and publishing, the collaboration of this incredible team has made this publication possible. The magazine is specifically designed for those working in the lower extremity, foot and ankle, pediatric, spor ts medicine, and orthopedic markets, and focuses on issues related to osteoarthritis, neuromuscular disorders, stroke, flat foot, and rehabilitation. It covers a range of topics related to lower limb injuries and their treatment, including prefabricated and custom bracing, insoles, foot orthotics, night splints, AFOs, diabetic footwear, and more.   Read More

41 State St., Suite 604-16, Albany , New York, 12207, United States
Working Hours
Mon: 24 Hrs -