Business Info
There is nothing like a familiar welcome to create an atmosphere of warmth, a sense of coming home and of good things prepared with love. The Lust Bistro & Bakery enfolds you with that feeling of belonging that fills up your senses with satisfaction. Cradled in the folds of the peaceful Vrede en Lust wine estate in Franschhoek, the Lust Bistro & Bakery entices one’s surroundings with the tantalising aromas of freshly baked artisan bread – imaginative creations of Jean Pierre Smi th, patron chef and baker extraordinaire whose lunchtime chalkboard presents a constantly intriguing invitation of discovery.   Read More

R45 & Klapmuts - Simondium Road, Simondium , South Africa, 7670,
Working Hours
Sat: 07:30 am - 05:00 pm