Business Info
Meet a Master of Ceremonies based in Melbourne with wit, warmth and the ability to improvise. Read the rave reviews. The right emcee or keynote speaker makes your audience feel that they are part of something special. Your conference attendees, award nominees and gala dinner diners deserve an emcee or speaker who does more than gussy-up and read a script. Audiences want to sense an understanding of their world, they want to learn and they want to laugh. Master of Ceremonies and keynote sp eaker Brett de Hoedt emcees and keynotes at events ranging from business breakfasts and gala balls to industry awards multi-day international conferences. As Master of Ceremonies, the former journalist has introduced and quizzed Prime Ministers, celebrities, children, people with mental illness, ex-offenders, scientists, addicts, the homeless, Olympians and more. He delivers an acknowledgement of country like he actually means it (because he does). Whatever your brief is - he can handle it.   Read More

Prahran, Melbourne, Prahran , Victoria, 3181, Australia
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