Business Info
At Mid-Bucks Electrical Training we think small is good. We keep our tutor groups small so that you get the best support in your studies. We encourage an atmosphere of informal learning and mutual support and by keeping the group numbers low you get a bigger slice of us and our time and support. Rather than just present and deliver we use questioning and discussion and we firmly believe there is no such thing as a silly question. WHY CHOOSE US We Enjoy Teaching! All questions are answere d without judgement or comment so that candidates feel safe to ask anything however daft they think it is – usually they are quite pertinent and not daft at all. By so doing we build an atmosphere of trust and respect where every candidate feels comfortable and supported. Chalk and talk is something we do not subscribe to. Candidates are encouraged to enter into lively discussion and ask questions about their work practices. The tutors enjoy these discussions as they get to talk with candidates who work in specialisations they have not encountered before. The atmosphere in classes is relaxed and friendly and many candidates go away having made new friends with whom they stay in touch. Its a great way to meet fellow professionals and sometimes hugely beneficial outside of the qualifications they gain. If this sounds like the kind of learning you enjoy then talk to us.   Read More
Royal Mead, Terrick, Aylesbury , Bedfordshire, HP170TL, United Kingdom
Working Hours
Wed: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm