Business Info
Pain in our emotions hinder, prevent and stop us from progressing toward a life of fulfillment. Several types of emotionally wounding experiences will come into our lives in order to create bondage within that steals and distorts our true identity of loved, whole and beautiful creatures that we have been created to be and become. Unless we learn what emotional tools we need to recreate, transform, heal and maintain the path to healing and wholeness, we are susceptible to living repeatable patterns that will keep us locked in unhealthy, broken and depleting relationships. These patterns result in low self-esteem, lack in self-care, setting and maintaing boundaries. Reclaiming your life, on your terms, brings you to an empowered state that will manifest your highest divine purpose, identity and truest loved self. You do not have to stay in a life that you are unhappy with. Reclaiming what you know your life is supposed to feel like is the answer you have been seeking for. Everything becomes possible because you are living healed and aligned with your desires and goals.   Read More

1415 Thrush Ave. San Leandro, CA 94578, san leanrdo , California, 94578, United States
Working Hours
Sun Closed