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My GRE Exam Preparation - your online access to trustworthy test information, courses, prep books, study guides, and free practice exams. —------ William founded My GRE Exam Prep with a vision to help aspiring learners navigate their exams with flying colors, helping students achieve their dreams. He graduated with a master’s in electrical engineering, received on a full scholarship from the American University of Beirut (AUB). Soon after graduation, he was accepted in a full scholarship P h.D. program but had to return to Arizona for outside circumstances. A little over two years after that, he was passively managing his own business with a small team helping him develop IoT solutions for clients. Throughout his experience with universities, he can recall the number of times he has had to take standardized tests and exams for each of his study pursuits, such as the GRE, IELTS, and TOEFL. This inspired him to start the website and begin providing this resource to students across the globe.   Read More

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