Business Info
Take a bite of any Nik’s product and you too would fall in love; with the food and the Baker as well. This is no ordinary baker, Chandigarh would vouch for that. After all, Nikhil Mittal, the man behind Nik Bakers is the one who gave his love story the form of cakes, breads, biscuits and many other amazing savory delights. He is the one whose love story gives Goosebumps to the taste buds of every food-lover. The Best Cafe and Bakery of North India, Nik Bakers has baked its success story, from the outset, to perfection. So now, when it comes to food; North India does not just eat , savours and enjoys; all thanks to Nik Bakers! Nikhil Mittal, Chandigarh based Chef cum Entrepreneur, is now seen in the league of India's Top Chefs and has built incredible goodwill for being the unrivaled 'Dessert King' of the North with his immaculate preparations that have been ruling the hearts and bellies of food connoisseurs since 2006.   Read More

SCF 111, Phase 3B-2, Sector 60, Mohali , Punjab, 160059, India
Working Hours
Sun: 08:00 am - 11:00 pm