Business Info
Open Weaver is a New York-based startup incorporated in March 2020 and kandi launched in March 2021. The whole world is becoming digital. Every aspect of life and business is being reimagined as a digital engagement. Billions of people across the globe are connected through smart devices, fueling this irreversible trend. The pandemic has reiterated the need for digital to connect people and accelerate innovation as well as improve efficiencies. While the need for digital is enormous, the way dig ital experiences are being developed is still decades old. What powered the technology of the Management Information Services (MIS) era cannot power the digital age. We cannot have millions of developers writing millions of lines of code for each experience every time. Open Weaver was born with the mission to make application development easier and faster and help the world scale into the digital era. Open Weaver’s kandi (pronounced like 'candy') is a platform that helps developers create applications faster by reusing the right libraries, code snippets, packages, APIs, and cloud functions. kandi makes it easier for developers by analyzing over 430 million knowledge items across all repositories, cloud and information sources and applying AI to help the developer choose the apt component that fits their need across technology, framework, domain, security, quality, support, license, and many other dimensions. The name kandi symbolizes this approach of using Knowledge AND Intelligence to accelerate application development. Thus kandi accelerates application development through open-source reusability with a vision to reinvent digital realisation. kandi helps developers save time and effort while developing scalable and reliable applications. Our unique IP brings the best of the world’s codified knowledge for reuse and artificial intelligence to build digital solutions more straightforward and faster. kandi platform is launched and will evolve over the next few years to further accelerate application development.   Read More
1270 6th Ave #940, New York, 10020, United States
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