Business Info
Platinum Direct Finance has been in business since 2005, securing finance for people who wish to purchase assets including boats, planes, trucks, forklifts, office equipment and vehicles. Platinum Direct Finance is part of Platform Consolidated Group. Other members include Mildura Finance, beCarWise and Melbourne Finance. Over the years people have come back to us again and again, not just for car loans but also for advice on looking after all aspects of their finance needs including boats, equi pment and finance. We know that securing finance and all the necessities that go with it can be a real headache – speaking to multiple lenders, completing a range of forms, trying to work out what insurance is required, who from and for how much.   Read More

7/77 Berry St, North Sydney, Sydney , New South Wales, 2060, Australia
Working Hours
Tue: 08:30 am - 05:30 pm