Private Genetics WA Reviews - South Perth
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Specialist clinic offering genetic testing and consultaton for reproductive, adult onset and familial genetic conditions. Payment by credit card, bank transfer or invoice. Medicare rebates may apply. Healthy adults without a strong personal or family history of disease can have genetic testing to learn about how their genes could potentially impact their health. Testing can analyze up to 139 genes that are well-established indicators of a significantly increased risk of developing hereditary c ancers, cardiovascular conditions, and other medically important disorders. If you receive a positive test result, your first-degree family members may get tested at no additional charge. It has found that about 15% of healthy adults carry a serious health-related genetic risk. Proactive genetic testing will provide insight into important health risks based on your DNA. Each genetic test focuses on actionable medical conditions, so you can be empowered to make well-informed decisions. You can then partner with your clinician to seek early care, regular monitoring, lifestyle modifications, and even initiate an early intervention to prevent the onset of disease.   Read More

Private Genetics WA
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132 Hensman Street, South Perth , Western Australia, 6151, Australia

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