Business Info
QuarkCity is a multi-use development that includes Offices, Residentials, Retails and Special Economic Zone (SEZ). QuarkCity is located in the district of Mohali, Punjab, within the extended grid of Le Corbusier’s modern city of Chandigarh, 265 km (166 miles) North of India’s capital city of New Delhi .QuarkarkCity is a development in Mohali, Punjab that includes world-class residential, commercial, retail and hotel projects, and an IT/ITES SEZ (Special Economic Zone).The first bui lding in the SEZ, Landmark Plaza, is a 14 story, 600,000 sq. ft. building which is already operational with MNC's in IT/ITES sector.The beginning of the new millennium witnessed tremendous developments taking place in India that unleashed the latent entrepreneurial energy in various enterprises including construction.   Read More

A-40 A, Industrial Focal Point, Phase 8 B, Mohali , Punjab, 160059, India
Working Hours
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