Business Info
Professional Experience with Reach Truck, Walkie and Scissor Lifts, Aerial Work Platforms, WHMIS and Working at Heights, Fall Arrest Training, Certification, and many more. At Rapid Forklift training, we are driven to educate and empower our students with knowledge and safety awareness in the material handler and forklift operator fields. Our expertise can help you enter, re-enter, or continue in this field, whether you are experienced or a novice. Experiential operators can develop dangerous h abits that pose a danger to others and themselves. Forklift training courses aim to correct and re-educate individuals who may need a reminder about safe operating procedures. The forklift operator certification courses are compliant with the Operational and Health Safety Act. They also comply with the Canadian Safety Association and Occupational Safety Group guidelines.   Read More

1153 40 Ave NE, Calgary , Alberta, T2E6M9, Canada
Working Hours
Wed Closed