Business Info
BioBarrier system is a unique method of root and weed control. The biobarrier system manages roots through the slow, controlled release of trifluralin, a root inhibition herbicide that has been used in onion crops in New Zealand for many years. A pattern of nodules injection molded to a geo textile fabric creates a continuous zone of root control protection. Trifluralin diffuses from the protective nodules in vapour form, creating a root inhibition zone in the soil. Roots penetrate the zone un til root tips reach the herbicidal concentration that prevents the species root tip cell division. This is normally approximately 10mm from the fabric. Only the root tip cell’s ability to divide and grow is affected. Neither the plant nor its roots are killed as trifluralin is not systemic. The BioBarrier system simply diverts the roots and causes the plant to concentrate growth I the branch roots away from the trifluralin zone. Because its a textile, the BioBarrier System is water permeable, does not disturb soil hydrololgy and is flexible enough to be contoured to various installation geometries.   Read More
20 Copeland St, Eden Terrace, Auckland, 1021, New Zealand
Working Hours
Wed: 09:00 am - 05:00 pm