Business Info
Roots, Shoots & Fruits provide technically superior and globally patented plant nutrition products to assist growers in improving quality and yield. Safe, biological, and nutritional products support growers to increase a profitable yield, while supporting our environmental assets, and cleaning up our food chain for consumer HEALTH. Join the forward thinkers who understand they can enjoy good profits, good health and a safe environment! Our mission at Roots, Shoots & Fruits is to support New Zea land growers to produce quality, nutrient dense food. By growing healthier more resilient plants we can reduce costs and also reduce reliance on synthetic fungicides, pesticides and fertilisers that can be harmful to humans and the environment.   Read More
PO Box 72, Oneroa, Waiheke Island , Auckland, 1840, New Zealand
Working Hours
Wed: 09:00 am - 05:00 pm