Business Info
If you are trying to find more information about travel nursing or are needing tips and tricks, you came to the right page! I know when I started travel nursing it was hard to find a lot of information on this topic. Hence, the reason I started this website. I hope this provides you with enough information for you to navigate this industry a little better. I am always learning new things myself and will be updating this website as more information comes in. If you have additional questions, plea se feel free to reach out. I would love to connect and help in any way I can! For those of you who are new here and do not know me, my name is Nicole! I was born and raised in Kansas City (Go Chiefs!!) and went to college in Oklahoma City. Growing up, a lot of my family members were in the medical profession, so although it’s easy to say it was them that persuaded me, it was during the time of my grandpa’s massive stroke and passing that really pushed me in the direction to become a nurse. I have always been one to self-doubt especially when it comes to schooling, but I have so many wonderful people around me to thank for pushing me and encouraging me during this season of my life!   Read More

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