Business Info
About Naresh Kumar, Proprietor, Shine Blonde Naresh Kumar son of Mr. Om Prakash was born in a small village called Fatehabad in Haryana. Right from childhood he had to struggle for livelihood along with his father. At the tender age of 14 when other kids were busy studying and playing around, Naresh Kumar had to leave studies and help his father in the business and only then he learnt the art of scissor. He worked with his father till 1993 and when he was barely 17 years old he moved to Moga in Punjab and there he worked for another 3 years till 2000. It was during this period he came across an interview of Javed Habib. Naresh Kumar believes this interview totally changed his life. And truely this was the turning point of his career and life. He was highly inspired by the charismatic Hair Stylist. Now highly motivated, Naresh Kumar started dreaming of becoming another Javed Habib.   Read More

Silver Square Building, 3rd Floor, Above Westside, GS Rd, Guwahati , Assam, 781006, India
Working Hours
Sun: 10:00 am - 08:00 pm