Business Info
At S&R Plumbing & Heating, you’ll find an expert able to perform nearly any home service you need. We offer installation, repair, and maintenance of water heaters, plumbing services, and boilers. Are you searching for a company that offers plumbing & heating services to Brooklyn or Queens, NY? S&R is here to assist with any service you need to get your home or business the service it needs. Our company is centered on best-in-class customer service and providing the best value to the communi ty we serve. Leaky pipe? Clogged Drain? Low Water Pressure? Our team has all the tools to get your home plumbing running like new. Nobody likes being left in the cold. Whether you need a boiler installed, replaced, or repaired, we got you covered.   Read More

Brooklyn NY, United States, Brooklyn NY,, Brooklyn , New York, 11240, United States
Working Hours
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