Business Info
The Clock Tower is a rock-solid gastropub and charming local watering hole on Golf Course Road. This distinctive community destination is an inviting spot to grab a scotch or sparkling ale while digging into most authentic comfort food you can source in the city. Specializing in forward-thinking craft brewing techniques, adventurous mixology and cuisine, The Clock Tower strives to keep glass-clinking camaraderie alive and well in the neighborhood. A vibrant network of brewers, craftsmen, chefs, travelers and global experiences mold our culture of fine beers and fresh food, all of which is raised from scratch with great attention to detail, ingredient selection and process. Our venue is infused with elegant post-colonial influences drawn from the British Raj era, made evident in the heavy pine woodwork, large English style doors and windows, 24 foot high ceiling and overall palette.   Read More

Golf Course Road, DLF Phase 5 (Rapid Metro Pillar 141), Gurugram , Haryana, 122002, India
Working Hours
Sun: 12:30 pm - 12:00 am