Business Info
The Coup products have been selected based on deep ecological ethics, allowing for a large percentage of our ingredients to be organic, local & made from scratch. Along with our cheeses being rennet-free, all of our soy products & grains are GMO-free. We recycle all that can be and only use paper products that are post-consumer recycled (including this menu). Our receipt paper is BPA & phenol free (using vitamin c for transfer). In order to off-set our waste, we plant 36 trees a month through Tree-Canada. We use compost in our garden & have bee hives near by, which end up producing some of the amazing vegetables on your plate. Our products arrive with minimal packaging & we run on 100% wind-power off-set. To give back to our community we donate a percentage of our income and have partnered with Meal Share. This means that every menu item with the Meal Share logo beside it, a meal is provided for someone in need.   Read More

924 17 Ave SW, Calgary , Alberta, T2T 0A2, Canada
Working Hours
Wed: -