Business Info
The Dance Bible is made to move, designed by dancers and India's premium dance & performance wear brand. Whatever your chosen dance style, we got you covered. The only brand in the world to provide dancewear across multiple dance styles. Write to us on what we should launch next? #ShopAllThingsDance TDB is run by a team of passionate dancers, who understand your requirements. Our aim is to bring dancewear and dance fashion into mainstream and empower you to move in any way you feel like. #Mad etoMove We ensure the highest quality fabric, craftsmanship, designing and customer experience for you. The artworks are homegrown, the R&D is in-house to ensure the very best! #MadeinIndia We'd love to hear from you - please use the form to send us your message or ideas.   Read More

9/110, Third Floor,, Shastri Street, Shahdara, Delhi, 110032, India
Working Hours
Sun Closed