Business Info
The ethos of Umrao is founded in simple luxury, afforded by an exceptional location harmoniously blended with a unique environment. The result is a selection of traditional yet contemporary and finely tuned resort that offer an enriching, enlightening and rewarding lifestyle experience. This lifestyle is about desire to escape and relax in surrounds that satisfy and please on all levels, an encounter with nature at her finest and worlds apart from everyday life, where needs are met before they a re even acknowledged. The Umrao offer all the privacy, luxury and relaxation guest could desire, taking things to an entirely different level; situated on National Highway – 8, in Delhi. We offer (enable) families and friends to together with the obvious benefits of housekeeping and concierge services.   Read More

National Highway - 8, Samalkha, New Delhi , Delhi, 110037, India
Working Hours
Sun: 12:00 am - 12:00 pm