Business Info
Tonico Café, the international coffee home chain, flavors you with exotic coffee varieties from around the world. Unseen coffee varieties with their rich savor and the Café’s unique ambience make Tonico Cafe a premium spot of coffee lovers who come not only to refresh their taste buds but also to enjoy time at this exotic coffee world. “Tonico Café gives the coffee lovers nothing less than an international coffee experience. Here we guarantee great coffee varieties and grea t refreshers like never before!â€, says Mr. Tony Jose, Founder & CEO, Tonico Cafe. Tonico Café is dedicated to its loyal customers with fabulous foods and beverages of uncompromising taste, quality and convenience.   Read More

Seaport - Airport Rd, CSEZ, Kakkanad , Kerala, 682037, India
Working Hours
Sun: 11:00 am - 02:00 am