Business Info
Upciclo is a multi- vendor and India’s only exclusive marketplace for those who share same passion for “Go Green”. It aims to be the go to place for all ages to find eco friendly, creative and purposeful pieces of art, fashion, home decor , personal care and most importantly gifts and festival needs. Upciclo is a socio – environmental enterprise whose focus is to bring together all small, medium , large enterprises who are currently producing a product that is eco friendly , made out of a pre loved item or is upcycled / recycled. It could be anything from clothes to footwear or Home Décor etc. Our aim is to make sustainable products available to all for easy adoption Shoppers get to read and understand the story of the item and also share their contribution to the environment as EnviroCitizen through social media platforms.   Read More

A 301- ASN, 83/2, Garudachar Palya, Mahadevapura, Bengaluru , Karnataka, 560048, India
Working Hours
Sun Closed