Business Info
We are a top & trusted resume sourcing company that helps you understand your recruiting needs & connect with the right candidates. Call us for more info! Talent acquisition leaders and hiring managers choose Velocity because they gain an incredible recruiting advantage. Using our blended off-shore model, we deliver overnight results that free them of the time-consuming, yet critical work of quickly identifying and engaging with active & passive talent – and we do it across all functional s kill sets, company sizes, and industry types! After years of working in corporate recruiting, David Simpson and John Fortino had experienced their fair share of difficulties in the candidate sourcing process. Tired of the inefficiencies, an idea was born: outsource the high-volume work of sourcing and qualifying candidates so that organizations can focus on the high-value tasks that get best-fit candidates in the door. Qualified, Available, and Interested candidates delivered overnight. This is Velocity Resource Group’s promise from Day 1. Since 2001 our goal has been to continuously improve the candidate sourcing and engagement process. 20 years later, we’ve evolved from simply sourcing resumes on the Internet to full-range candidate engagement.   Read More

3111 W Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd #75, 3111 W Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd #75, Tampa , Florida, 33607, United States
Working Hours
Mon: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm